Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Robots.txt - what is robots.txt

What Is Robots.txt?

Robots.txt is a text file in your site root folder, it tells search robots bots such as googlebot which pages you would like them not to crawl. it is not required that you should have robots.txt on your website, but in some case if needed then you should put robots.txt on your website. robots.txt is like note, and tells search engine bots such as google where to crawl or what webfloder they are allowed to crawl.

remember that robots.txt must be in the main directory (root directory of your website) so that Search engine bots such as google bot can be able to find it. Search Engine Bots do not search the whole site for a file named robots.txt. Instead, they look first in the main directory.


robots.txt is been here since the early stage of the internet. you can visit http://www.robotstxt.org/ to learn more about robot.txt

The structure of a Robots.txt File is just simple.

User-agent: - search engine crawlers name.

Disallow: - lists the files and directories to be excluded from indexing

you can include comment lines, just input the # sign at the beginning of the comment reffer to the example below.

# This is a comment in robot.txt

--------------------SAMPLE CONTENTS OF Robot.txt -----------------------

User-agent: *

Disallow: /temp/


to avoid serious problems and logical errors. please follow the basic syntax/format of robots.txt , or you can use a validator for robots.txt to validate your robot.txt file and check for errors before uploading it.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Setting Up Autoresponders in Cpanel

To set up your autoresponder Login to cpanel, then click Mail.
then click auto responders then click add new autoresponder and fill in the form.
Fill in the e-mail address that you wish the replies to come from in the e-mail field.
For example if you wanted to come from sales@yourdomain.com you would write sales in the e-mail field.

From: What you put in this field will show up in the from part of the recipient's e-mail client.
Subject: the subject of the e-mail.
Message: the auto response message that person will receive.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Anchor Link? SEO anchor text, what is it?

Now i am going to explain what is an Anchor text. to understand anchor text.
it is very easy to understand. an anchor text is something your fellow webmaster place to their website to link back to you. take a look below.

together this builds up the anchor link.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Filipino SEO Experts Performing Well in SEO Contest 2008

UK Webmaster World, an online community of webmasters mainly located in UK is currently running an SEO contest that started February 1, 2008 and ends on April Fool’s day, although this contest is not an April Fool’s joke. There are many smaller SEO contest that come up everyday and in the absence of a repeat of last years (supposed to be annual) SEO World Championship by Swedish SEO company GetUpdated that gave a top prize of a brand new car, the only next biggest SEO contest was the UK Webmaster World SEO contest where nearly 200 competitors joined -

"Ang galing ng PINOY!"

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Oneway Backlink

Build your oneway backlinks with this website list below.


More will be added to our SEO arsenal// please do check us contstantly..

Search Engine Optimization

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We will feed you with Knowledge about SEO and how powerful it is.

may the SEO force be with you.
